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Prepping Your Canvas - Sugaring before a Tattoo

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – it’s the annual Calgary Tattoo and Arts Festival! On October 18-20, witness 450 of the most talented local and international artists come together and showcase their talent at the BMO Centre! Now that we’re done with the plug, let’s get back to this sugaring business. 

As you may know, an artist typically shaves the area being tattooed prior to the glorious union of needle and skin. While you heal from your “art-attack” – which already involves unbearably itchy, flaking skin – why would you want to deal with rough, itchy regrowth? You wouldn’t! Which is why I’m here: to educate and inform the ladies and gents of the sugaring world with pro-tips on sugaring before (and after!) your next piece. After all, we all know by now that shaving is the arch-nemesis of sugaring; the Joker to Batman; the Cersei to Daenerys… Or Arya? You get the point… 

Sugaring offers little irritation compared to shaving, and the softer hair regrowth is far more bearable than razor burn and stubble on freshly tattooed skin. In order to prepare your lovely canvas, it’s recommended to sugar the area 3-5 days prior to your tattoo appointment. This will allow your skin to recover from any irritations that may occur. If you’re a part of the sensitive skin club (HOLLA!), it may be smart to book a “trial” sugaring appointment a month prior to your tattoo session, just to be safe. Your artist will likely (and respectfully) not tattoo on irritated skin., and beautiful tattoos take planning and maintenance! It’s totally worth the precautions and extra care. 

Sugaring can also help maintain the clarity of your tattoos by removing the dry, dead skin on the surface, leaving your art brighter and defined! It’s important to make sure your tattoo is 100% healed prior to your maintenance sugaring. However, everyone heals differently! 6-8 weeks is the safest amount of time to consider sugaring post-tattoo, but you obviously know your body and its healing abilities better than anyone else – so, LISTEN TO IT! Once your piece is complete and skin is rejuvenated, see your Sugar Ninja every 4-6 weeks to rid the area of the build-up of dead skin cells and watch your artwork maintain its youth and longevity! If only sugaring worked for our laugh lines and crows’ feet – amiright?! 

Now get out there and show your tattoo artist how much you care about your canvas! But not too much, keep it PG…

 Your SBB Blogger, signing out!