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The vulva fully exposed

Hello again my Queens!

With spring on its way (excluding that grotesque snow storm that came outta nowhere the other day) I have been thinking about how I need to start working out and eating better to get my body, but more specifically my thighs, in SHAPE for that warm-ass weather Calgary gets. My legs just love to pack on extra weight. Bless my strong thighs… but sometimes I wish I was gifted with leaner legs.

We all have things we are self-conscious about and don’t really like about ourselves. Often fear comes from what other people think of us, not what we think about ourselves. Being devoid of other people’s harsh comments, I might actually enjoy my own thighs; wouldn’t that be something?

When you come in for a sugaring service in the nether regions, your vulva is pretty much all on display! And although we get clients that are like “here is my vagina!” and don’t really care, it can really make some people feel nervous and super exposed. And just like how I have insecurities about my thighs, some people have insecurities about their vulva’s and what everything looks like.

So QUICK anatomy lesson. A vulva encompasses every part of the external female genitalia: inner and outer labia, clitoris, opening of both the urethra and vagina, anus, and the mons pubis. (I have included this information because I hate the word “vulva” and therefore have avoided it most of my life. I didn’t even know what it encompassed until I started writing this blog post. Yes, I am embarrassed). And every woman’s vulva and the varying components look different. And every vulva is absolutely delightful just the way it is. And your Sugarista doesn’t care if you have an inner labia that comes out beyond the outer labia, or an inner labia that is tucked in behind your outer labia. We don’t care if your clitoris is tucked away or very visible. We don’t care at all. In fact, if I’m being 100% honest… we don’t even notice. Our eyes are seriously scanning the area to see if there are any “blondies” or invisible little hairs that are out to ruin the perfectly smooth look we are trying to give you.

Despite what it may look like, sugaring is a pretty technical job for the Sugarista. We are pulling certain areas tight to makes it less painful for you, keeping in mind what areas hurt more, and how to make things as comfortable as possible, keeping clean lines, getting to know you . . . the list goes on. The last thing we have time for is to notice what your vulva looks like let alone judge it. Come on girl, we are too busy getting to know you and making you feel your best.

So please, if you have any concerns about what everything looks like down there, just remember to not sweat the small stuff. We don’t care. More importantly, you shouldn’t care either! You and your vulva are beautiful no matter what is going on down there.


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