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New Year, Same Me – But Better!

Hola Sugar Queens and welcome to the new decade! 2020 is more than the year ahead; it’s the type of vision we need to have when looking out for ourselves. Whether your New Year’s resolution involves burying your nose into more books, werkin’ on your fitness, or to take after Queen DeGeneres herself and to be kinder to others, make sure you also take the time to book in with your “bestitician” to maintain those brows, lashes, and panty-lines! I am sure some of you are itching to say “Adios!” to winter and soak in some rays in the Southern hemisphere these next few months, so don’t wait too late! Otherwise, you’ll be the Abominable Snowman in Cancun, and that ain’t a cute look, girl. 

If 2020 for you includes saying “I do!”, then don’t miss out on the wedding fair on January 19th at the BMO Centre in Stampede Park. Between your stagette and the Big Day, there are many ways to prime and prep for the par-TAY! The Sugar Body Bar would be more than happy to accommodate you with body sugaring, facial waxing, brow tinting and/or lamination, and lash lifts! As a bonus, we offer referrals, so when you refer your bestie (or even your future hubby), you get $10 off your next service! Who can turn down such a deal!?

Lastly, our sweet Sugar Ninja is taking some time off for herself to recoup and recharge! Between January 18th-27th, she will be out of office and into some more tropical climates, SO – get in before she retreats to the beach for a much-needed vacay! Treat yo’ self before she treats herself, okurrr? 

That’s it for now, friends! Happy New Year to all you little lovelies. Signing off!

- Your SBB Blogger