Write a messa

Meet me under the Mistletoe (But wear a mask!)

December is here, and just like many celebrations and holidays this year, it’s about to look a little different than what we’re used to. With the new restrictions laid out last week, it looks like our usual gatherings with loved ones will continue to be digital for the holiday season. All we can do is look out for ourselves and others around us by continuing to do our part to stop the spread and by checking in with those we love and cherish! We all deserve a little love and kindness, especially right now.

Speaking of which, to make sure we all get our self-love and self-care this month, our favorite Sugarista has opened up her schedule for Mondays in an effort to accommodate all of us lovely SugarBabes! Talk about an incredible #BossBabe, right?! Wanting to pay it forward? If you bring a non-perishable item with you to your appointment by December 23rd, our Sugar Ninja will give 15% off your services! Items such as canned meat (tuna, chicken, turkey, ham), peanut butter, canned soup, Kraft Dinner, baby food (stages 1 & 3), and size 6 diapers are in the highest need at our foodbanks right now. Give a little love, get a little discount! 

Try your best to book ahead, as Dinna’s schedule fills up incredibly fast for December! As a friendly reminder, masks are still required in the room for your appointments. If you are sick or not feeling well, please let Dinna know and she will be happy to reschedule your appointment, no questions asked! Looking out for yours and our Sugarista’s health comes at no charge. If you are an iPhone user and still having trouble with the Vagaro app, check to see if you’ve enabled your cookies. If all else fails, hit up your girl via e-mail at info@sugarbodybar.ca or text at 403-620-7689 – we can’t be letting you go this holiday season without decking those halls, ya hear?

That’s all for now, my darlings! Our Sugar Ninja is so blessed and grateful to be your #1 choice for sugaring services in this beautiful city, so thank you on her behalf! Have a safe holiday season and a very happy New Year! Afterall, we all deserve a re-do after the chaos 2020 has brought us.

With love from afar, 

Your SBB Blogger