Hello beautiful people! I hope you are all doing well, staying home, and doing your part to help stop the spread. A friendly reminder that the sooner we all agree to do some social distancing, the sooner we can come out of our houses and get beautified again!
I don’t know about you, but it has been made quite clear over the past few weeks how many of us may have underestimated the true power and importance of our amazing estheticians. While we are all practicing social distancing, take some time to show yourself some TLC with some at-home spa treatments and self-care. I am in no way recommending you pick up some wax and strips for a DIY brazillian, but here are some ways you can keep that horrific razor in the bathroom drawer and keep your skin glowing during these trying times:
Looking to maintain the muff? Use a trimmer – NOT a razor – but, don’t shave down to the skin. Yes, I know, our Sugarista is allowing it this one time. If taking a trimmer to your lady bits is too nerve-wrecking, take a small set of shears with a fine-tooth comb and… well… I think the rest is self-explanatory.
Wanting to keep your skin looking supple? Our favorite weapon and E-word: EXFOLIATE! I mean really exfoliate. Use a dry brush or gloves in the shower, or soak in the tub with dead skin sea salts – no, not Epsom, there is a difference! Bring a glass of your favorite wine or your newest read in with you, really enjoy that “you” time that you so deserve. You can do any of the above every other day.
The best way to come out of this darkness and into the light? Lotion up! Work your favorite unscented lotion or coconut oil blend into that lovely skin of yours. Trust me, your skin will thank you later. And speaking of the light, with the beautiful days coming our way, don’t forget your sunscreen! Show Covid-19 who’s boss and come out of self-isolation with flawless, ageless skin, bringing a whole new meaning to Hot Girl Summer.
As for the brows, just leave them! The more hair we have, the more we can work with it. If you do decide to tweeze, try your best to stay away from the arches and the start of the brow. These are the areas where most of us are lacking hair, so we definitely don’t need to make our problem areas more of problem.
I’m sure there’s one last burning question you’re all waiting to ask… When are we reopening? Unfortunately, we don’t have an answer for you at this time, but we’ll be sure to keep you sugar-babes posted! We all can’t wait to shake hands, exchange hugs, or give cheek kisses to those we love again. Until then, try to be present in the moment, love yourself, and find ways to keep your mind at ease! Afterall, this, too, shall pass.
Lots of love from afar!
Your SBB Blogger