If the month of May is any consolation for what the summer months will bring, then… I’m not about to jinx that shizz, because the last time I said winter was over… Well… Sorry, y’all, that was totally my fault… HOWEVER, Summer IS right about the corner, and with it comes some FAB news!
As you all may know, the province has been working on implementing Phase 2 of re-opening the province, with a tentative date of June 19, 2020. With that, our sweet Sugarista has decided to open up a waitlist between June 25 – July 4, 2020!! I never thought I’d be begging someone to give me a Brazillian, but here we are! If you’re in the same boat, shoot an e-mail off with your preferred date(s), time, and service to info@sugarbodybar.ca
At Sugar Body Bar, we will continue to do our part in protecting our clients and our Sugar Ninja from risk of exposure. The following health and safety measures are ALL in place to keep all parties at Silver Orchid Salon and its guests safe from COVID-19:
Upon booking your appointment, a questionnaire will be sent via e-mail prior to your appointment date and MUST be completed and returned beforehand.
All clients are required to wear a mask in the service room. If you do not have a mask of your own, one will be provided.
We ask that you are punctual and show up on time, NO EARLIER, as there will be no seating provided in the waiting area.
A hand sanitizer will be provided for use on site, with use of which being mandatory
Do not bring any guests to your appointment.
If you present any symptoms of COVID-19, however mild they may be, please do not show up.
Additionally, there are some changes to services provided, effective immediately. Our Sugarista will no longer be offering men’s services below the belt. That being said, she will still honour the Sugar Kings that have been regular customers prior to this change – she’s got you and your man-scaping needs!
We appreciate your patience and understanding during these times and cannot WAIT to see your sweet faces as we get back to a “new normal”. Take care, and we’ll see you real soon!!
Much love,
Your SBB Blogger